Parameters List for fuzzball 7.0 by raccoon! This is basically the output of `@tune info` in a more pleasing format. --CHARSET----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool 7bit_other_names = no Limit exit/room/muf names to 7-bit characters bool 7bit_thing_names = yes Limit thing names to 7-bit characters --COMMANDS---------------------------------------------------------------------- str autolook_cmd = look Room entry look command bool cmd_only_overrides = no Disable all built-in commands except wizard !overrides bool enable_home = yes Enable 'home' command bool enable_prefix = no Enable prefix actions int player_name_limit = 16 Limit on player name length bool recognize_null_command = no Recognize null command bool verbose_clone = no Show more information when using @clone command bool verbose_examine = yes Show more information when using examine command --CONNECTING-------------------------------------------------------------------- str connect_fail_mesg = Either that player does not exist, or has a different password. Failed player connect message str create_fail_mesg = Either there is already a player with that name, or that name is illegal. Failed player create message bool playermax = no Limit number of concurrent players allowed str playermax_bootmesg = Sorry, but there are too many players online. Please try reconnecting in a few minutes. Max. players connection error message int playermax_limit = 56 Max. player connections allowed str playermax_warnmesg = You likely won't be able to connect right now, since too many players are online. Max. players connection login warning str register_mesg = Sorry, you can get a character by e-mailing with a charname and password. Login registration denied message bool registration = yes Require new players to register manually --CURRENCY---------------------------------------------------------------------- str cpennies = Pennies Currency name, capitalized, plural str cpenny = Penny Currency name, capitalized int max_pennies = 10000 Max. pennies a player can own str pennies = pennies Currency name, plural str penny = penny Currency name int penny_rate = 8 Avg. moves between finding currency int start_pennies = 50 Player starting currency count --COSTS------------------------------------------------------------------------- int exit_cost = 1 Cost to create an exit int link_cost = 1 Cost to link an exit int lookup_cost = 0 Cost to lookup a player name int max_object_endowment = 100 Max. value of an object int object_cost = 10 Cost to create an object int room_cost = 10 Cost to create an room --DARK-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool dark_sleepers = no Make sleeping players dark bool exit_darking = yes Allow players to set exits dark bool thing_darking = yes Allow players to set things dark bool who_hides_dark = yes Hide dark players from WHO list --DATABASE---------------------------------------------------------------------- time aging_time = 90d 0:00:00 When to considered an object old and unused bool compatible_priorities = yes Use legacy exit priority levels on things ref default_room_parent = #0 Place to parent new rooms to ref lost_and_found = #0 Place for things without a home str new_program_flags = Initial flags for newly created programs str pcreate_flags = B Initial flags for newly created players ref player_start = #0 Home where new players start bool realms_control = no Enable support for realm wizzes str reserved_names = String-match list of reserved names str reserved_player_names = String-match list of reserved player names ref toad_default_recipient = #1 Default owner for @toaded player's things bool toad_recycle = no Recycle newly-created toads --DATABASE DUMPS---------------------------------------------------------------- bool dbdump_warning = yes Enable warnings for upcoming database dumps bool diskbase_propvals = yes [inactive] Enable property value diskbasing (req. restart) time dump_interval = 0d 4:00:00 Interval between dumps time dump_warntime = 0d 0:02:00 Interval between warning and dump str dumpdone_mesg = ## Save complete. ## Database dump finished message bool dumpdone_warning = yes Notify when database dump complete str dumping_mesg = ## Pausing to save database. This may take a while. ## Database dump started message str dumpwarn_mesg = ## Game will pause to save the database in a few minutes. ## Database dump finished message --ENCRYPTION/SSL---------------------------------------------------------------- bool starttls_allow = no Enable TELNET STARTTLS encryption on plaintext port bool ssl_auto_reload_certs = no Automatically reload certs if the cert file changes --FILES------------------------------------------------------------------------- str file_connection_help = data/connect-help.txt 'help' before login str file_credits = data/credits.txt Acknowledgements str file_editor_help = data/edit-help.txt Editor help str file_help = data/help.txt 'help' main content str file_help_dir = data/help 'help' topic directory str file_info_dir = data/info/ 'info' topic directory str file_log_cmd_times = logs/cmd-times Command times str file_log_commands = logs/commands Player commands str file_log_gripes = logs/gripes Player gripes str file_log_malloc = logs/malloc Memory allocations str file_log_muf_errors = logs/muf-errors MUF compile errors and warnings str file_log_programs = logs/programs Text of changed programs str file_log_sanfix = logs/sanfixed Database fixes str file_log_sanity = logs/sanity Database corruption and errors str file_log_status = logs/status System errors and stats str file_log_stderr = logs/fbmuck.err Server error redirect str file_log_stdout = logs/fbmuck Server output redirect str file_log_user = logs/user MUF-writable messages str file_man = data/man.txt 'man' main content str file_man_dir = data/man 'man' topic directory str file_motd = data/motd.txt Message of the day str file_mpihelp = data/mpihelp.txt 'mpi' main content str file_mpihelp_dir = data/mpihelp 'mpi' topic directory str file_news = data/news.txt 'news' main content str file_news_dir = data/news 'news' topic directory str file_welcome_screen = data/welcome.txt Opening screen --IDLE BOOT--------------------------------------------------------------------- str idle_boot_mesg = Autodisconnecting for inactivity. Boot message given to users idling out bool idle_ping_enable = yes Enable server side keepalive pings time idle_ping_time = 0d 0:00:55 Server side keepalive time in seconds bool idleboot = yes Enable booting of idle players time maxidle = 0d 2:00:00 Maximum idle time before booting --MISCELLANEOUS----------------------------------------------------------------- bool allow_zombies = yes Enable Zombie things to relay what they hear bool autolink_actions = no Automatically link @actions to NIL str description_default = You see nothing special. Default description str huh_mesg = Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Unrecognized command warning bool ignore_bidirectional = yes Enable bidirectional ignore bool ignore_support = yes Enable support for @ignoring players str leave_mesg = Come back later! Logoff message for QUIT bool m3_huh = no Enable huh? to call an exit named "huh?" and set M3, with full command string str muckname = TygryssMUCK Name of the MUCK bool tab_input_replaced_with_space = yes Change tab to space when processing input bool wiz_vehicles = no Only let Wizards set vehicle bits --MOVEMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool quiet_moves = no Suppress basic arrive and depart notifications bool secure_teleport = no Restrict actions to Jump_OK or controlled rooms bool secure_thing_movement = no Moving things act like player bool teleport_to_player = yes Allow using exits linked to players --MPI--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool do_mpi_parsing = yes Parse MPI strings in messages bool mpi_continue_after_logout = no Continue executing MPI after logout int mpi_max_commands = 2048 Max. number of uninterruptable MPI commands --MUF--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int addpennies_muf_mlev = 2 Mucker Level required to create/destroy pennies bool consistent_lock_source = yes Maintain trigger as lock source in TESTLOCK bool expanded_debug_trace = yes MUF debug trace shows array contents bool force_mlev1_name_notify = yes MUF notify prepends username for ML1 programs int instr_slice = 2000 Max. uninterrupted instructions per timeslice int max_instr_count = 20000 Max. MUF instruction run length for ML1 int max_interp_recursion = 8 Max. MUF interpreter recursion int max_ml4_nested_interp_loop_count = 0 Max. MUF preempt interp loop nesting level for ML4 (0 = no limit) int max_ml4_preempt_count = 0 Max. MUF preempt instruction run length for ML4, (0 = no limit) int max_nested_interp_loop_count = 16 Max. MUF preempt interp loop nesting level int max_plyr_processes = 32 Concurrent processes allowed per player int max_process_limit = 400 Total concurrent processes allowed on system int max_propfetch = 1023 Max. size of returned property array int mcp_muf_mlev = 3 Mucker Level required to use MCP int movepennies_muf_mlev = 2 Mucker Level required to move pennies non-destructively bool muf_comments_strict = yes MUF comments are strict and not recursive bool optimize_muf = yes Enable MUF bytecode optimizer int pennies_muf_mlev = 1 Mucker Level required to read the value of pennies, settings above 1 disable {money} int process_timer_limit = 4 Max. timers per process int userlog_mlev = 3 Mucker Level required to write to userlog --LISTENERS--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool allow_listeners = yes Allow programs to listen to player output bool allow_listeners_env = yes Allow listeners down environment bool allow_listeners_obj = yes Allow objects to be listeners int listen_mlev = 3 Mucker Level required for Listener programs --LOGGING----------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmd_log_threshold_msec = 1000 Log commands that take longer than X millisecs bool log_commands = yes Log player commands bool log_failed_commands = no Log unrecognized commands bool log_interactive = yes Log text sent to MUF bool log_programs = yes Log programs every time they are saved --PROPERTIES-------------------------------------------------------------------- str gender_prop = sex Property name used for pronoun substitutions bool lock_envcheck = no Locks check environment for properties --SPAM LIMITS------------------------------------------------------------------- int command_burst_size = 500 Max. commands per burst before limiter engages int command_time_msec = 1000 Millisecs per spam limiter time period int commands_per_time = 2 Commands allowed per time period during limit int max_output = 131071 Max. output buffer size --TUNING------------------------------------------------------------------------ time clean_interval = 0d 0:15:00 Interval between memory/object cleanups int free_frames_pool = 8 Size of allocated MUF process frame pool int max_loaded_objs = 5 [inactive] Max. percent of proploaded database objects int pause_min = 0 Min. millisecs between MUF input/output timeslices bool periodic_program_purge = yes Periodically free unused MUF programs bool pname_history_reporting = yes Report player name change history time pname_history_threshold = 30d 0:00:00 Length of player name change history --WHO--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool secure_who = no Disallow WHO command from login screen and programs bool use_hostnames = yes Resolve IP addresses into hostnames